1. Never use pee-pads. All you are teaching the animal is its okay to use your home as a bathroom.
2. Get a dog door or a cat door. This is the best investment you can make. It does take some training but worth every minute you spend training your dog or cat to use it. There even window companies that can install them in sliding glass doors. I can't tell you how many people call me for pet urine removal and blame it on the animal but all the urine is right next to the door and sometimes on the door. These animal are telling their owner that they need to get out but cant. What about security? If a thief can even fit through a doggy door he's probably going to the next house because they do not want to meet up with your big dog.
3.Clean your litter box daily. Cats are very clean desert animals and do not walk in their own cat feces or cat urine. Because cats are desert animals they retain water and this is the reason their urine is so potent. Maybe get 2 boxes and a cat door and put the cat litter box in your garage so you don't have to smell their cat urine. (Just a thought)
4. Feed your cat or dog premium dog food. Why would this matter? Because if they can digest more food there's less waste to clean up. Look at the label on your dog food and at the first 3 ingredients, they should be chicken, beef, fish or any kind of protein this tells you if you are feeding quality food. I even supplement my dog food with a product called Dinovite. When dog food or cat food is made most of the beneficial enzymes are cooked out of it Dinovite adds these essential additives back in my dogs love it and thrive on it.
5. Get your animal spayed or nurtured. This will help stop your dog or cat from marking it's territory in your home.
So the next question is how did I train my 2 dogs Cooper and Chloe not to use my home as a toilet?
Well they are both rescues and it just took time. First my Weimaraner Chloe. You must understand the breed you are getting and in fact the Weimaraner is #1 in returned dogs in the United States. People just don't understand what they are getting with this breed. They are high strung and need to be social with their owner and will not do well just being left in the backyard by themselves. Training her was tough and took about 2 weeks. You need to purchase a crate. She was not aloud out of my sight and if she left my sight she was crated which she hated and figured out quickly not to leave my side. First thing in the morning we went out to use the bathroom and yes i stood and watched her and when she went I threw a party I mean jumped up and down and ran around with her and praised her over and over again. She soon figured out that this made me very happy and wanted to please me. I would let her out after she got a drink and after she ate and never left her unattended for those 2 weeks and Wallah she was potty trained.
Cooper the Golden was a rescue and he was a little easier and only took 2 days, Why? well if you know a Golden Retriever you know they are an awesome family dog and their whole goal in life is to please their owner. They love praise and he understood the first day what I wanted.
I hope this helps in some way and if you are going to get an animal please look at your local shelter there are so many great animals out there looking for a home.
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